Wednesday, February 29, 2012


One of the most troubling things in our culture is the lack of integrity. Integrity is a complicated term, but one that is a chief value that I was raised with. As my personal code of the Knight 4 Today, this is one of the top virtues.

Before I was ordained into ministry, one of the questions that I was asked was "What is the most important quality of a leader?" After a few seconds thought, I answered "Integrity." What is integrity?

There is a famous quote about integrity. "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking." Just really think about that for a moment. Who are you when no one is looking? How honest is your tax return? How many "little white lies" do you tell, when you know no one will find out? How do you act around your friends? How do you treat your family? Are you different at church than alone?

But this is only one definition of integrity, according to Websters (their technical definition to this is "firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; incorruptability"). The second they give is "unimpaired condition; soundness." Think of it like building a building. I don't care what color you paint the room if the foundation is crumbling and the supports are rotting. I've been house hunting lately, so know what this looks like. You may appear fine on the surface, but how's your heart? This week a kid walked into his high school and shot five people, killing three (so far). His friend said "This doesn't make any sense. He bottled stuff up, but this just doesn't seem like him." The paint was fine, but the structure was rotten. He was unsound. This leaves a simple question: do we do right to avoid getting in trouble, or do you do right because your heart is good?

The third definition is one we need in this culture. "The quality and state of being complete and undivided." That's what we need. Many people in our society go to church. Yet, they say that is their "religous compartment." It's like a set of dresser drawers. They go to church, but close that drawer. At work they lie and steal and tell inappropriate jokes. Those people don't even know that they go to church, which is why they don't invite those people to church. Then after work, they go to the bar and get drunk, maybe even have a one-night stand. Or they go home and treat their families like dirt, before jumping on the internet to feed their porn addiction, then wonder why their wives don't feel affectionate (ok, small rant there). The point is, they say that their religious compartment doesn't affect the rest of their lives. That's the opposite of integrity.

I was once asked "What do you want your tombstone to say?" My answer is simple, "Minister of the Gospel; Man of Integrity." My worst fear is not heights, or any other things that I fear. My greatest fear is to lose everything because of sexual misconduct, because I've seen so many men (especially leaders) taken out of the fight for that very reason. I want to be a man of integrity, above all else.

I'm thinking about developing an Oath for the Modern Knight, specifically for a young man I've been mentoring. If I do, integrity will be a key virtue of the modern day knight. If you want to be a Knight 4 Today too, vow with me to strive for true integrity.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Presidential apology

There's some more stupid going on right now. People are mad because the president apologized for the accidental burning of Korans. This is stupid.

What these people argue is that Muslims and other more violent religions burn churches and persecute Christians everyday. Therefore, we should not apologize to them.

Here's the problem. We aren't them. If we applied this same logic historically, we should have thrown all German people into concentration camps. Not all Germans were Nazis, true, but neither are all Muslims part of the Taliban. We are held to a standard of respect for mankind, regardless of whether they agree with us. Jesus said "Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you." He said we should do the opposite of retaliating in kind.

Yes they broke out in violent protests and have begun killing people. This is an overreaction to an accident. Also, our soldiers and Marines should be defending themselves and putting down the violence. However...

However I think the Presidential apology was a good thing. I would have done it were I the president. I don't care if the persecute my brothers and sisters in Christ. That does not give me the right to blow off the words of Jesus. We are held to a different standard. The apology was the right thing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kylie Bisutti

A little while ago, I did a post called "The Cost." (click here to read) Jesus talked a lot about what you had to give up to follow him.

This morning, I awoke to a news story that Victoria's Secret model Kylie Bisutti decided to give up working for that company because it clashed with her Christian beleifs. It was her dream and she wanted to do it for a while, but now she was giving all that up for her husband and for God.

That leaves me conflicted. People want to praise her. "Oh look, isn't that great. She's giving it up for her faith." But I just think, "WHAT TOOK SO LONG?"

If she had these beliefs all along, why did she choose to go into a career that she knew displeased God? You know that I feel strongly about this, as I've written several times on it. She chose to ignore her beliefs to support and industry of sin, specifically lust.

On side of me wants to say, well, she's maturing in her faith. We all start out spiritually immature, babies the Bible calls us. Then we grow. As we grow, we develop stronger convictions.

But she makes it sound like she had these convictions all along, she just did it anyway because it was what she really wanted. Luke 9:62 says, "Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

Did she "look back" deciding only to follow God after she did what she wanted? If so, then Jesus proclaims harsh judgment. Or was she a spiritual infant, and she's learning now what it means to follow Jesus. I'm glad it's not my job to judge, because I'm not the God who knows what's in men's heart. I'm also glad, that God is a God who forgives screw ups like me and Kylie, if we are willing to pay the cost to follow Him. I hope that at the judgment, Jesus will look at me, look at Kylie, and look at you and say, "They sinned. But I died. They turned their lives over to Me. This one is one of Mine."

And God, fill all your people with your Holy Spirit, to show us the sins we aren't aware of so we can have a closer walk with your son.

About time

Ok, after yesterday's scathing entry, I feel the need to point out Obama doing something I am thrilled about. He's given exception clauses to Bush's disastrous "No Child Left Behind" policy, including the state where my mother works as an educator, Indiana. In Indiana, it has caused education standards to plummet like a stone, causing more kids to be left behind. Actually, all it did in Indiana was add more standardized testing, causing teachers to abandon learning in favor of teaching kids how to pass tests. Unfortunately, this caused a generation of students who graduate high school with a 6th grade reading level and their only life skill is taking an exam. Kids should be taught how to learn, not how to take a test. The other thing that it did was place quota restrictions on which students could be retained to repeat a grade, so it was done on quota and not on merit. This should be a decision of the teacher and the parent, not the Federal Government. So kids were passed up grades when they weren't ready, all because of a quota. So thank you Mr. President. Now if you can give the same "opt out" policies to religious institutions when it comes to freedom as you just did ten states on education, you'd be doing a lot better.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Say WHAT?!!!

I can't believe he said it. I just can't believe it. In an interview, President Obama said that the reason he hasn't done more, is because the Founding Fathers made a mistake by writing the Constitution. If they wouldn't have put in those checks and balances that causes Congress to be able to block things he wanted to do.

I'm sorry, did you just say that you want to be a dictator?

Yes, yes you did.

Wow. I can't believe he said it. I know that so called "Progressives" hate the Constitution. They don't want people to be free. Well, that's not exactly right. They think they want people to be free. But they also believe that people are stupid, so they need to do things whether the people want them or not, like a parent caring for children. "Daddy's home. Have some welfare. Here's a health care bill. While we're at it, you don't really need freedom of religion, so I'm going to take that back."

President Obama hates a representative government, because we don't know what we need. And the people we elect listen (in theory) to us, so their getting in the way of his "better" world. By the way, WE ELECTED YOU, MORON!

This is the same president who tried to get Fox News thrown out of the press core, until the other news organizations (who HATE Fox) revolted to protect freedom of the press. This is the same president who tried to force churches to hire ministers who don't believe what they practice (overturned by one of the few unanimous votes in the history of the Supreme Court), and now is trying to force Catholics to violate their own religious practices. (The press secretary tried to reassure people, saying that they would still have to comply, but they would have a year to change their religion before it was implemented.) This is the same president who bought private companies on behalf of the government, and made it illegal for private Mortgage and Student Loan businesses to operate.

You know me. I try to be politically neutral. But this president has crossed a line in my book. I just hope the damage is not permanent, but can be reversed. If not, our freedoms which have slowly been eroding are about to disappear entirely.

Here's what I propose: Vote. If you like the direction this president wants to go, vote for him, and vote for representatives that agree with him. If not, research the candidate of the other party, and vote for the one who aligns with you. That is how the primary is supposed to work.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl 2012 synopsis

How about them NEW YORK FOOTBALL GIANTS!!! For 12 years now, I have picked a winner the day of the Super Bowl. I'm glad to have the 12 year streak continue.

I am ever more glad for this particular outcome. There's a reason we bELIeve in Eli. Colt's fans across the nation were rooting for Peyton's baby bro. Notice Peyton was eerily absent from the game. He wanted this game focused where it belonged, on the Giants, not the mystery of what will happen next year.

The game itself was great. It was everything a match up of these two teams should be. It was the Giants defense putting the hurt on the Pats, while their offense found a way.

The game started well with a safety the very first time Tom "the chump" Brady touched the football. Good job, your royal chumpiness. The Giants defense for some reason has the ability to take it to the Pats like no one else in the league. I don't know why, they just do.

This time, the Giants had some trouble getting to Brady (unusual for Pierre-Paul to be so quiet in a game), but their coverage was still enough, which they proved at the jump ball on the end.

Manning, in contrast, had a huge game, pulling out the 4th quarter win when needed. That sideline catch by Manningham may not have been as circus-like as David Tyree's famous helmet catch, but also set them up to win the game just as much. The MVP award could have easily gone to Manningham or Nicks, but when you have two WR that could be MVP, you have to give it to the guy who threw to them. Too bad you couldn't make the MVP the entire defense.

I do have to say this, Bellicheck (aka "the Hoodie") is an idiot. When they had a chance to do a goal-line stand, the Hoodie ordered them to let the Giant's score to give more time on the clock. I know you've trusted Brady with drives in the past, but this year your offense stunk. Besides, the Giants have your number when their defense is out there. What he should have done is trust the defense that got him to the championship. There's an old saying in football. "Offense wins games. Defense wins championships." Instead of saying "I have no confidence in you. Give away all our momentum to the other team," perhaps you could say "I'm going to trust you to get the job done and win the game. How stupid do you have to be to let the other team score the game-winning TD? That's like in the AFC championship a few years ago (when the Colts beat the Pats. Great game) when "the Hoodie" went for it on fourth down, deep in his own territory, and called a play that threw the ball short of the first down marker. Stupid.

On to what some of you really care about: the commercials.
I loved the Doritos commercial entitled "Man's best friend," that included a dog bribing a man with Doritos. Sweet. More dog ads included the Volkswagen fat dog commercial, and the Bud Lite "Here We Go" commercial.

The ETrade ad was great, just for the "I'm Speed Dating" line.

Dannon Oikos was great, just to watch John Stamos getting headbutted.

Seinfeld and Ferris Bueller (sp?) made nostalgia comebacks, which was great except for trying to explain to teens who they were. Man I'm old.

I LOVED the Kia Optima commercial, because it started out looking raunchy, but then changed where the guy decided what he really wanted was his wife. We need more men to stand up and fight for their wives the their marriages.

Bridgestone's "Performance Football" was great. The curving pass, and Deon complaining about it... it was just good.

The NFL timeline and the boy peeing in the pool were also funny.

My favorite, however, was the Audi commercial. They have LED headlights, supposedly like a real sun. A vampire drives up, and roasts his buds. Well worth watching.

Lowlights include the usual perversion from Go Daddy, and another perverted one for women with David Beckham in his underwear (and you think lust is only a guy issue...). Crystler's Clint Eastwood one was BORING, and the "halftime" reference seems to edge toward the political. Chevy's end of the world was also stupid. Fiat and Camry were also ridiculously stupid. And the TV show ads were boring.

If you wish to watch the commercials for yourself, click here.

Now to what no one cares about: the halftime show.
Don't care. It sucked, like always. I wish they would at least get someone who was popular in my lifetime. Though I hate the modern stuff too, so there really is no pleasing me. And for anyone who complains about lip-syncing, they've done it for everyone's show for as long as I can remember, so get over it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Cost

Right now I'm going through Luke 14, writing my own Bible Study materials (available to anyone upon request). I've come over the last few years to really love Luke 14. Jesus tells this parable (a story told to teach a lesson) about a wealthy man. He's throwing the party to end all parties. It is going to be everything that a party should be. He's invited the guests, but when he sends his servants out to say "Food's ready; come on," the guests have all these excuses why he can't come. The host gets mad, and so he has the beggars, the disabled, the homeless, and the "outsiders" come in. Then he basically says "When those I invited first hear how great the party is and finally show up, don't let them come."

In the parable, God is the host. He invites the wealthy, religous people in first, but when the refuse to come, he invites the broken and the outsiders (like me). This parable is meant as a warning to the religous people. We can't say, "Yeah, I'm going to follow you God. But later. First, I have to..." The Pharisees made excuses, so Jesus went to sinners and prostitutes. When asked why, Jesus told the story of the Prodigal Son.

But to the Pharisees (and to us) he says, "Be sure to count the cost. Anyone who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple." It's easy to say that we're Christians. But are we willing to pay the price? Our money, our jobs, our homes, our hobbies, our families, our lives. Are we willing to pay the price to follow Jesus?