A little while ago, I did a post called "The Cost." (click here to read) Jesus talked a lot about what you had to give up to follow him.
This morning, I awoke to a news story that Victoria's Secret model Kylie Bisutti decided to give up working for that company because it clashed with her Christian beleifs. It was her dream and she wanted to do it for a while, but now she was giving all that up for her husband and for God.
That leaves me conflicted. People want to praise her. "Oh look, isn't that great. She's giving it up for her faith." But I just think, "WHAT TOOK SO LONG?"
If she had these beliefs all along, why did she choose to go into a career that she knew displeased God? You know that I feel strongly about this, as I've written several times on it. She chose to ignore her beliefs to support and industry of sin, specifically lust.
On side of me wants to say, well, she's maturing in her faith. We all start out spiritually immature, babies the Bible calls us. Then we grow. As we grow, we develop stronger convictions.
But she makes it sound like she had these convictions all along, she just did it anyway because it was what she really wanted. Luke 9:62 says, "Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
Did she "look back" deciding only to follow God after she did what she wanted? If so, then Jesus proclaims harsh judgment. Or was she a spiritual infant, and she's learning now what it means to follow Jesus. I'm glad it's not my job to judge, because I'm not the God who knows what's in men's heart. I'm also glad, that God is a God who forgives screw ups like me and Kylie, if we are willing to pay the cost to follow Him. I hope that at the judgment, Jesus will look at me, look at Kylie, and look at you and say, "They sinned. But I died. They turned their lives over to Me. This one is one of Mine."
And God, fill all your people with your Holy Spirit, to show us the sins we aren't aware of so we can have a closer walk with your son.
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