Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Say WHAT?!!!

I can't believe he said it. I just can't believe it. In an interview, President Obama said that the reason he hasn't done more, is because the Founding Fathers made a mistake by writing the Constitution. If they wouldn't have put in those checks and balances that causes Congress to be able to block things he wanted to do.

I'm sorry, did you just say that you want to be a dictator?

Yes, yes you did.

Wow. I can't believe he said it. I know that so called "Progressives" hate the Constitution. They don't want people to be free. Well, that's not exactly right. They think they want people to be free. But they also believe that people are stupid, so they need to do things whether the people want them or not, like a parent caring for children. "Daddy's home. Have some welfare. Here's a health care bill. While we're at it, you don't really need freedom of religion, so I'm going to take that back."

President Obama hates a representative government, because we don't know what we need. And the people we elect listen (in theory) to us, so their getting in the way of his "better" world. By the way, WE ELECTED YOU, MORON!

This is the same president who tried to get Fox News thrown out of the press core, until the other news organizations (who HATE Fox) revolted to protect freedom of the press. This is the same president who tried to force churches to hire ministers who don't believe what they practice (overturned by one of the few unanimous votes in the history of the Supreme Court), and now is trying to force Catholics to violate their own religious practices. (The press secretary tried to reassure people, saying that they would still have to comply, but they would have a year to change their religion before it was implemented.) This is the same president who bought private companies on behalf of the government, and made it illegal for private Mortgage and Student Loan businesses to operate.

You know me. I try to be politically neutral. But this president has crossed a line in my book. I just hope the damage is not permanent, but can be reversed. If not, our freedoms which have slowly been eroding are about to disappear entirely.

Here's what I propose: Vote. If you like the direction this president wants to go, vote for him, and vote for representatives that agree with him. If not, research the candidate of the other party, and vote for the one who aligns with you. That is how the primary is supposed to work.

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