Thursday, October 18, 2012

President Obama and the debate

So, I DVRed the debate, and have not finished watching it yet, but allow me to point a few things out.

The President said low gas prices are a sign of a bad economy.  No wonder he acts so much like Jimmy Carter!  Well, if my being able to afford gas and groceries are the sign of a bad economy, then bring it on!

The president said he's against gender discrimination.  Yet two of his appointed positions were sued for gender discrimination and sexual harassment, with the lawsuits saying that they "ran things like a sorority."  Women are paid 18% less by the Obama administration.  They have disproportionately lost jobs under Obama.  When asked about that, he equated contraception to women's jobs.  Apparently, he views women as wombs for hire.

The president wants to raise taxes to raise revenue, but historically, higher taxes=less revenue and more spending.  So if they raise taxes, they will spend more and take less in.  Why?  Because that means more people out of work, and therefore less overall revenue.  Maybe, instead of looking "forward," he should read a book and look at how things work in the real world.

The President also claimed he cut taxes 18 times.  That's true, if you include cutting taxes on special interest groups and temporary measures which have expired.  He also raised taxes on the middle class through ObamaCare.  He also claimed ObamaCare would lower premiums, but they have raised more than he said they would lower.

Obama also lied about the Arizona law, which the Supreme Court upheld.  They cannot pull someone over because they "look illegal."  If they pull someone over on another violation, they have to present papers.  SO DO I.  I have to present a driver's license.  Don't you?  If they can't produce papers, then an investigation can begin as to whether they were here legally. 

Obama also said that he called Libya terrorism.  The Moderator backed him.  Then after the debate, she admitted SHE WAS WRONG.  He said terrorism would not be tolerated, but never said Libya was terrorism.  Too bad to Obama-supporting moderator didn't fact check before putting in her two cents.  Admitting fault later does little to undo the damage.

Lastly, Obama kept saying "That's not true.  That's not true."  They say that if you repeat a lie often enough, loud enough, it will be accepted as truth.  He's trying to paint Romney as a liar, but as Romney said in the first debate, "As president, you're entitled to your own house and your own plane, not your own facts."  Obama's record doesn't match his rhetoric. 

Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result."  So do you really think four more years will yield a different result?

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