Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Privilege is one of my biggest pet peeves lately. It seems to permeate everywhere. It is this "I deserve it" mentality. Let's look at some examples from recent memory.

Washington: Politicians honestly believe that they are better than everyone else. They don't care what promises they make, because the rules don't apply to them. Charlie Rangle is a great example. He's on the finance commitee, but is being brought up on ethics charges for tax evasion. If that was me, the IRS would have taken me for everything I am worth. Him? Well, his response is "I'm not going anywhere." He deserves to be there, and you should vote for him because he deserves to be there.

Even with the Health Care thing. Virtually everyone was opposed to it, but Pelosi, Obama, and insiders of both parties have this "father knows best" mentality and passed it anyway. If you are so stupid that you cannot understand that paying more for crappier health care is good for you, well, who cares? They don't.

Finances: So stupid. I know a family that the dad works two full time jobs and walks to work. The wife stays at home and sits on her rear, but has to have the car just in case she wants to go somewhere. She spends money like its going out of style. She won't cook, so the family goes out to a different all-you-can-eat buffet each night. She doesn't bathe her kids, so they smell. Her grandmother comes over once a week to make sure the teenage son showers each week, and cleanes house while the mom sits on her enormous rear. I was one of many people who helped this family move recently, and the mom sat in her recliner and watched us work.

Plus, I know two families who ask us to pray for their finances, but take frequent vacations because "they deserve it." After all, their lives are so bad they need these vacations. Maybe if they would WORK and STAY AT HOME their finances wouldn't be in bad shape. God has already provided what they need, so I won't pray for that anymore until they are willing to obey. No one deserves a vacation. It is a luxury that most of the world can't afford. If you can, do it. But it is not right for your kids to suffer because you feel the need to drive to Colorado for a fishing trip.

Same with the housing crash. People deserved that house they couldn't afford. How dare that bank expect them to honor that contract! They knew they couldn't afford it, so the bank should have known that they couldn't and not expected them to pay.

The church: This one makes me the sickest, and I have been dealing with the most lately. I am constantly harassed by people who don't want to serve, but wish to have more fellowship events where they can sit with the same friends they sit with on Sunday. They deserve it. And they don't like all these new people coming, because they don't "know everyone anymore."

In essence, they are saying "we're full. They rest of you have to go to hell now." If they want to know what they deserve, it isn't the church they want. THEY DESERVE TO BURN IN THE FIRES OF HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY. Eternal loneliness and torture for forever. If we EVER forget that even for a second, we spit in the face of God, call the death of Jesus worthless, and tell the Holy Spirit we don't need him and don't want him interfering with us.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to send people to the Hell I deserve because I'm too lazy to get off my fat butt and serve another human being with the kind of love God showed me. They don't deserve it, but God does. The Holy One, God Almighty, the LORD is the ONLY one who deserves anything good. If he is willing to give up his rights to come to earth and be rejected and tortured to death by the people he came to save and then turn around and forgive them, then why can't we give up our "rights" that only exist in our own minds?

Edit 6/12/11: In light of recent events, check out part 2.

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