Called it. 2001-2013, my streak of calling the Super Bowl winner day of the game continues, though it nearly didn't (More on that later).
First things first, Best Commercial goes to Dodge, for the farmer tribute. My dad grew up on a dairy farm. I grew up in Indiana around a bunch of farmers. We even had a garden where we grew corn and tomatoes. I love farmers. Politicians and business men can keep their fancy suits and cars. Give me a guy who knows the value of an old pair of jeans, having dirt on your hands, and most of all, working your butt off with no guarentees of success. They don't know if there will be a drought or a flood that ruins their crops. They just no how to work.
--> Side rant. I hate people who think blue collar workers only do it because they aren't intelligent enough to do white collar work. I've seen construction workers do trig in their heads because they have to figure out at what angle to put in that bracing so that the roof can support the maximum amount of weight. If you think farmers are dumb, spend a year working with one. You'll figure out that they are some of the best and brightest that America has to offer. They choose to do something that matters, producing things that we need, as opposed to white collar people who produce things no one needs, like social media, a scientific study on the running habits of shrimp, and anything you can buy from Skymall.
Then the game. Ravens came out and blasted the Niners, pure and simple. The first half, the Niners couldn't do anything. Ravens got a sack. Then a fumble. Lot's of score. Dickson had an amazing catch. Then an interception. Then Jones had one of those "Are you kidding me?" Touchdown catches.
Then there was the halftime show, also known as a chance to go poo out everything you at during the first half to make room for more food. Then the Ravens ran back the kickoff. It was lights out football.
Then, ironically, the lights went out. And they went out on the Niners' side of the field. NOrleans has had this problem in the stadium during prime time games in the past. A big part of me says that if I were going to try to generate revenue for my hurting city, I'd fix the power problems in the Super Dome to make sure it doesn't hurt my bid to host a future Super Bowl.
Thirty-five minutes later, I was almost asleep despite being surrounded by people at a Super Bowl party. Aparently, so were the Ravens. Touchdown Niners. Touchdown Niners. Rice fumbles, touchdown Niners. Suddenly we got ourselves a ball game. But when it counted, Flacco put together a big drive, ate some time off the clock and won the game. Well deserved MVP.
Good game. And the best part is: a Chump free Super Bowl!
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