Monday, January 28, 2013

Political Points

Allow me to make a few bullet points about current issues.

Why does it matter?
Hillary Clinton said during a recent congressional hearing "Four people are dead... What does it matter [who did it and why]?  We need to figure out what happened to keep it from happening again."

She answered her own question.  She took some unfair flack from the "What does it matter?" comment.  In context, it wasn't as bad as some tried to make it seem.  She wasn't saying that the four dead didn't matter, only that the false information linking it to a youtube video didn't matter.  The fact that they refused requests to provide more security didn't matter.  The fact that there was a CIA report and a separate military report saying that they were ordered to stand down didn't matter.

That said, she did answer her own question.  Why those things matter is because if it could have been stopped but wasn't because it was politically inconvenient matters.  The fact that it was deemed too dangerous to send in the FBI to investigate while the New York Times walked through the facility matters.  If there was neglegence on behalf of whoever and it lead to four dead it is the same as pulling the trigger.  It is murder.  And even ignoring that, you can't fix a problem you don't know about.  So covering up the problem doesn't help.

President Obama said recently that we could have a reasonable debate if people would stop disagreeing with him.  I hate to tell you, but a debate it where people present two opposing viewpoints and defend them to each other.  In other words, you can't have a debate without people arguing with you! 

Higher taxes do not mean higher revenue.
Seems simple, right.  Raise the tax rate and you raise more money.  Fair share, and all that.  California has the highest rate of personal income and corporate taxes.  To alieve their financial problem, they're raising taxes again.  This means more revenue right?  Wrong.  Higher taxes means more people are moving their businesses to where taxes are less.  In Texas, more people paying in means much more revenue than higher taxes would bring.  It's exponential growth.  It's even simple multiplication.  Go back to high school and do some math.

Semi-automatics aren't what you think.
There is a push to ban semi-automatics.  This is because people don't know what they are.  Semi-automatic means that if you pull the trigger once, it sends one bullet (as opposed to revolvers, where you have to click the hammer back before you pull the trigger).  People are confusing semi-automatic with sub-machine gun.  A sub-machine gun is where you hold the trigger and it empties the clip.

Assault weapons aren't what you think.
Assault weapons aren't sub-machine guns.  The fact is, assault weapons don't include automatic weapons.  They include specialty weapons.  For example, a sub-machine gun is legal, but a sub-machine gun with a scope isn't.  A shotgun is legal, but a shotgun with a pistol grip isn't.  This is the same thing as the illegality of switch-blade knives.  Switch-blades aren't more dangerous than any other knife.  They aren't easier to conceal.  They just look scary.  So assault weapons are scary looking guns.

Assault weapons bans don't stop Newtown. 
No assault weapons were used at Sandyhook.  The guy used two pistols.  The proposed weapons ban doesn't stop that massacre.

The reason for the Second Amendment.
For right or wrong, whether you agree or not, our founding fathers put in the second amendment to defend the rest.  Freedom and security are opposites.  The point of the Bill or Rights, and that one in particular, is that government can easily take away the rights of the people.  Guns allow the people to defend themselves.  This is exactly what the Arab Spring was about.  People were throwing rocks while being shot at.  Dictators, whether solo or parlamentary, can easily arrise.  The founding fathers didn't want that, so they guarenteed us the right to defend ourselves from all threats, whether personal (like a break in) or national (like a rogue government or invading enemy).

Weapons bans don't work.
I know.  You've already got your mind made up about this one, but hear me out.  One of the fathers of the Sandyhook victims put it well today.  He said that by doing what he did, the madman was already breaking the law.  Adding a new law for them to break doesn't matter nearly as much as enforcement of current laws. 

By the way, I can't believe I have to explain this but I do.  The City of Chicago, the President's home base, has the strictest gun laws.  They also have the highest gun crime.  And their violent gun crime went up 18% last year, the only major city in the US to see an increase.  And Mayor Immanuel needs to butt out.  As soon as the massacre happened, he came out and said he was against putting armed police officers in each school.  In the mean time, he sends his kids to a private school with armed guards.  If he believed what he was selling, he'd send his kids to public school with yours.  He should smell what he's shovelling and leave the rest of us alone.  Because basically what he's saying is that he doesn't care about protecting your kids, because you are poor.

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