Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 finances

So I've been in the job where I'm at for just a few months shy of five years.  It that time, my paycheck has gone up by one forth.  Here's the thing though.  In that time, gas prices have doubled.  Groceries have doubled.  Meals out more than doubled.  Health care may double this year alone.

Now, because of my job I have to eat out.  A lot.  And my work doesn't reimburse these.  I have to at the beginning of each year designate part of my paycheck toward meals, and that amount gets withheld for expenses.  In other words, it's like I don't get paid that amount, but can use it to pay for those meals.  They are completely tax defered.

That said, if you look at my income and subtract this expense, each year I in effect make less money. 

During the debates, President Obama said that inflation was a sign of a strong economy.  Then our economy is awesome, because it is getting harder and harder for middle class Americans to pay our bills.  Inflation may not effect wealthy politicians, but it's driving the middle class into the poor house.

So let me say this to all politicians.  Stop spending us into the poor house.  As our debt climbs, the dollar devalues, and it becomes harder for people to cover their bills.  So both parties, stop screwing around with our lives and cut the crap from the budget.  We can't afford your "help" anymore.  I hope you vote not to raise the debt cieling, because all that does is dig a deeper hole.  You should work on solutions instead.

Ok, rant over, for now.

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