The big three news organizations, NBC, ABC, and CBS, always claim to be unbiased. And people believe them, right?
Their lack of partisanship was on display this week. Did you see Al Roker from NBC go fanboy on the President and Vice President during the parade? He never did that with Bush. And to think, he is criticized for being not liberal enough by a guy on the same network, Matt Lauer.
But that's not the real story. CBS's political director, John Dickerson, wrote an article saying that Obama should "destroy" the Republican party. "Go for the throat." "Declare war." He also wrote "This approach is not a path of gentle engagement."
Yesterday there was yet another shooting. Is the idea of killing another party the best language to use? I hate to say it as this is way overused, but this is similar language that was used in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. This type of language led to "The Night of Broken Glass" on November 9th, 1938.
I recently heard someone say that when a conservative disagrees with someone, they believe that person to be wrong. When a leftist disagrees with someone, they believe that person to be evil. And in case you're wondering where the Nazi's stood, Nazi is an abreviation for the "Nationalist Socialist Party." That's right, Hitler was a socialist dictator.
This media is not just biased, but actually encouraging violence in a culture that has far too much already. I guess a failed bombing attack by OWS protestors and their general rape and rioting behavior was not enough violence. I guess an attempted shooting at a pro-life organization isn't enough. I guess neither was Sandy Hook, or yesterday's shooting near Houston. You need more.
You know what Dickerson? The next act of violence may be an activist bombing Chic-fil-A or a pro-life group or a coal mine or GOP headquarters. If so, I hope you're proud of yourself and the inflamatory rhetoric you use. Because the next one is on you. So go ahead. Keep your bias. But tone down the talk before someone takes your words too literally.
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