Monday, February 25, 2013

Sequestration explanation

Ok, so the talk on the news is sequestration.  I just have to say, I'm so tired of Washington playing politics with people's lives.  The newest proposals are cut farming subsidies (because, you know, higher food prices don't hurt lower income people at all), cutting air transit (I guess theoretically this would mean less TSA employees and traffic controllers.  Again, this only hurts lower income people because it doesn't matter if you have your own plane), and raising taxes on the middle class.  President Obama want to hurt people, because he's spent time on a smear campaign, trying to blame the Republicans for this, which was his idea.  He even said in 2011 that he would veto any attempt to circumvent sequestration.  He wants this to be painful, because what's bad for us, he can blame on his opponents and gain political power.  That's why he's become a do-nothing-President.

Let me be clear.  We need cuts.  We need to reduce government spending by 10%, instead of cutting the increase by 2.4%.  We are hemorrhaging money.  So what's the plan here?  Eliminate waste?  Prosecute corruption, like embezzlement?  Reduce bloated salaries for unproductive workers?  Nope.  Their plan is to play politics. 

Let's not go after fraud.  Let's make it more expensive to eat.  Let's not take on special interests.  Let's make travel prohibitive.  Let's not fire some worthless people.  No, give those people a bonus for finding ways to steal our money.  I'm so sick of this garbage.  They're too busy playing partisan chicken (as in, "I'll bet they'll swerve first.") to realize that they are destroying people, making it harder for the average family to just exist.

I for one, am sick of it.

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