Well I feel better. We have the lead in the division for the first time since week 1 when the Colts were outright dominated from beginning to end by the Texans. Last night, we got some payback.
The first thing I want to mention is that Freeney especially seemed lethargic week 1. Last night he opened and closed the game with a sack, ending with sack-strip. He, Mathis, and Session hit Schaub all night. Hayden dominated their star WR Johnson, including going around him to get a pick 6. They also shut down the run. This defense which was dominated, pushed around, and embarrassed week 1 did some dominating, pushing around, and embarrassing. And that is with 5 starters and 1 backup injured. They got some payback.
Offensively, the O-line also refused to be dominated. Saturday and company kept Manning well protected, allowing him some time to adjust to new recievers.
In the first series, you could see the loss of Dallas Clark affecting them with three straight drops resulting in a three-and-out. After that, Tammi stepped up. Gonzalez made some big plays. Wayne, well, was Wayne. Garcon played in his usual self. And did you seem Manning's bug block? That is a guy who wants to win no matter what it takes. Not every QB would do that. Though Clark's presence was missed in that there were a few dropped balls that he would have caught, they stepped in for he and for Collie. Mike Hart earned his start because he runs with heart. I think Brown should officially be bumped to third string. I'm impressed by Hart.
Rest of the League:
Lions-Redskins. Let's get this straight. It was just stupid for Shannahan to pull McNabb for the two minute drill to win. It showed no confidence in the supposed team leader. I don't care who it was, that sack would have still happened, even if it was Manning. But, it was a poor decision for the team. Especially since your backup isn't Drew Brees or Gary Collins. It is REX GROSSMAN. The same guy we jokingly said was MVP of Super Bowl XLI, because he played so poorly. He warmed up by running, not throwing. Aparently he had watched Lions in the backfield all day. Regardless, this stupid story overshadowed the return of Stafford, who played great. Good job Lions. Sorry everyone is ignoring you.
Jags-Cowboys. .... uh.... Looking for a new coach yet? Shannahan may be available.
Niners-Broncos. One day, we might actually allow the Brits to see football teams play football.
Fins-Bengals. I'm impressed. The Nati actually managed to score.
Packers-Jets. It is hard to believe that the creative mind of Rex Ryan could not score at home. The Packers D held strong, letting 3 field goals be the only scores of the game.
Chargers-Titans. The Chargers actually won, even if they did allow a safety by the Titans, which is personally my favorite way to score because it happens so rarely. I have to say since I am not a VY fan, he was having a great game, including a big block, before he reaggrivated his ankle sprain. He was actually living up to his hype for once.
Buccs-Cards. Tampa Bay is still claiming to be the best NFC team. Until they get a big, defining win and win at least one round of the playoffs, I won't be convinced.
Saints-Steelers. For Halloween, the Saints came as the defending World Champs. For the first time this season, they showed some spark and played one heck of a game. I guess a friend here was right. He, a Steelers fan, was worried after the Browns embarrassed the Saints, that they Steelers would pay for it like the Giants paid for the Colts embarrassment in week 2.
Raiders-Seahawks. I had to laugh when the commentator pointed out that people all over the NFL were dressing up for Halloween. In the Black Hole, they always look like that.
Pats-Vikings. For Halloween, Randy Moss dressed up like a Viking (if only for Halloween), while the rest of the Pats dressed like Red Coats. Someone needs to explain to them that was the OTHER SIDE of that war. Tom "we suck" Brady showed Moss some love, and the defense showed him respect by triple covering him much of the game. How is that respect? It is a recognition of skills of a threat. That Geezer Favre was taken out, not by his broken ankle, but a cut on his face. You can tell from his stubble that he does not shave, so is not used to having cuts on his face. Maybe if he did, he would not have been carried off the field and driving off on a cart looking like he had passed out for a cut on his face. That's just rediculous. So much for Iron Man. Somebody get this guy a bandaide and some Ensure and tell him to get his butt back out there. Did you notice how the number of stitches kept climbing as they retold it. At first it was "a couple," then eight, then ten. Next thing you know the story will involve him scooping up his face into his helmet and having it sowed on. As much as he wants to blame his hurt elbow, ankle, and chin, I think this comes down to two things. 1) Favre is not happy unless he is all that is being talked about and didn't want to let McNabb have all the spotlight. 2) It isn't a bum body. It is a lack of heart. He's given up. He doesn't want to be there. Hey Childress, instead of waving Moss, why don't you wave your worthless, old, used up QB?
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