Thursday, July 29, 2010

Charlie Rangle

Well, itsn't this great. Charlie Rangle, head of the finance commitee, does not pay taxes. At least, not all of them. Of course, most of our Senators and Representatives don't. They just don't get caught. This guy is an idiot.

For 40 years he has been in congress. You want to talk about out of touch. Why aren't there term limits? Because they are not going to vote for limits for themselves. Or pay decreases. Or Tax increases. They don't give a crap. They say, in either party, that they are watching out for the little guy. They aren't. They care only about themselves. It's old. Members of Congress should have to work real jobs. I don't mean law professors or real estate. They should have to dig ditches, clean Port-a-Johns, or deliver pizzas. Seriously. They should have to meet and WORK for REAL PEOPLE. Because they do.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've been thinking about porn. No, not like that. Its a major problem in our world. 45% of men admit having a serious problem with porn. Admit. And it is so accessible. It is common. USA Network has a new show called Covert Affairs. The opening in the show involves the very hot actress taking her top off three times in the first minute. Way to have integrity.

Then you have the latest Miley "No longer Hannah Montana" music video. She is in a provocative outfit, in a bird cage, dancing like a stripper. With celebrities like her to look up to, is it a wonder teenage or even preteen girls are making pornographic pictures and videos and putting them online?

For more, please watch this video.

I intend to write more on this in the future. With this being such a big problem, I hope that this blog can not just share my opinions on things, but be a forum for help for those struggling with this issue.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stupid again

Some of the people that I made the "Stupid" blog entry returned to haunt me. I thought the deal was over.

Here's what they say: anything Jesus said about the Kingdom of heaven/God was only about the afterlife. What? Are you serious? I looked this morning, and found TWENTY-ONE references to the Kingdom refering to this life IN THE BOOK OF MATTHEW ALONE. The other new Testament authors have the same understanding. Read Luke/Acts (origonally a two-volume work). Luke especially understood that Jesus idea of the kingdom and of life was about the outcasts. Jesus went to those that you "aren't supposed to." He went to the lepers (those suffering from contagious disease that people feared and hated. Anyone thinking AIDS?), the tax collectors (corrupted Jews collaborating with the enemy to steal from their own people), prostitutes (yeah...), women (outcasts of all societies of the time), children (same), Gentiles (that other race, whether it be white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.), the disabled (which in that day were considered cursed by God).

Jesus didn't say, "I'll stay here and let them come to me." He WENT to THEM. His idea of the kingdom was that his followers would go to the poor and the outcast. He sought them out. He looked for ways to help them. Go to sometime and search for the Kingdom. Jesus said constantly "The kingdom of heaven is like..." and he talked about a Kingdom that seemed small and insignificant, but spread everywhere.

Here this, no matter your perference of the kingdom of this world (Obamacrat, Blue Dog, GOP, Tea Party, etc.) it is still flawed. Maybe God's kingdom is flawed here too, but we have seen the Perfect, and strive to achieve the example He set. If your loyalty is to any version of the kingdom of this world, you will still learn that it is temporary and flawed. At the end of things, it will "burn up like chaff." That isn't a threat. It is a "poof and it's gone" type of thing. You can argue, you can plead, it doesn't matter. So you can either strive for the world, or you can bring the Kingdom down to the world. Your choice, but I advise the latter.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Ok, screw secret. I'm not putting my name up, but I'm not going to worry about it. Here's a video that I made. Well, its actually bloopers. Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Such an annoying feeling

Ok, its one of those days. Its one of those frustrating days. Frustrating enough I'm breaking my rule about not posting at work. Its one of those days when I find myself thinking "Man I wish I had a girlfriend."

I hate those days. Especially since I don't really date much. I don't really care much. I know part of it comes from the fact that I keeping getting online adds with gorgeous women that says "Want a Girlfriend?" Its one of those dating websites that have been described as a digital bar. You look at pictures of unobtainable people that will reject you. Not my idea of fun.

I'm generally opposed to dating websites. Way I figure it, the women on there must be lonely and desperate. That's not the kind of women that I want to date. Yet the ads have an appeal. Movies and TV shows are filled with scenes of romance, that also egg singles on to feelings of incompleteness. Its frustrating as can be.

It generally sucks to be single. Especially if you are going to remain that way (at least for a while). You can be brutalized in our culture. Its worse if all your friends are couples.

I like my single life. I like not compromising or sharing. I like having my stuff, because as the man I know if I get married "our stuff" means my stuff gets put in the basement or garage while she gets the house. I like that I can do what I want at the last minute without calling someone for permission. Its wonderful. I enjoy mocking the married men about being whipped.

Yet, the feelings are there today. That's so annoying. So if you're single, here's to you. I'm right there with you.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Lately I have been talking to someone about their struggle with pornography and masturbation. He trusts me because he knows me well. I am something of an expert on the subject of pornography. I was 13 when I first view pornography. Within a year, I was addicted to pornography and masturbation.

That led to its own list of complex issues that I will save for a later date, but suffice it to say in time I was convicted of the damage it was doing to me spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I have since then put much time and effort into the study of addiction, and the causes and effects of pornography addiction.

I've written on this once and will write on it more, but let me say some things. First, there is hope. I spent years masturbating nightly, as many did. In Alcoholics Anonymous, they teach them that there is no such thing as a former alcoholic. If you are like me, you will never be a former addict, whether it is to alcohol, drugs, porn, gambling, tobacco, food, shopping, etc. If you get a taste of it again, even when in recovery, you will tend to binge. But you can be in recovery. It was a slow process for me. I should say it IS a slow process for me, but it is better than it was.

Second, let me remind you that this is a fight. Satan wants us to harm us. We are wounded, and will continue to be. There will be times we won't feel like fighting. We'll feel like we already lost, or never will win. But we already have won the war. Right now I'm watching the HBO series Band of Brothers. When Germany was beat, there was still fighting to be done. There were still people killed and wounded. Satan has lost. But there are still casualties. Don't loose hope. Keep fighting.

Another thing is get help. Get someone who you can talk to, who can ask you the tough questions, like "How are you? No, how are you REALLY?" and "How many times this week?" It needs to be someone you can call at 3am to talk to when you are struggling. Also I have some recommendations. Not Even a Hint and Every Man's Battle (Every Young Man's Battle is good for singles, but Every Man's is good for married men. That's right, this doesn't go away when you're married.) are good books. There's also These resources are good. I recommend reading those books with that trusted friend. Just like in a real war, or even a football game this isn't a solo effort.