So, several Democrats made statements about racism. Congressman Israel said that he believed "a significant portion of the Republican base" is racists.
Let's do a little history lesson here. Abraham Lincoln, signer of the Emancipation Proclamation, was a Republican. Those that went against him? Democrats.
When Dr. King was going around, Republican officials stood with them. The people turning fire hoses on the crowds and arresting them? Democrat governors.
Republicans believe that all men were created equal. Democrats believe things like "Voter ID laws are discriminatory. Minorities are incapable of passing the exam to get a driver's license, so they will be excluded." They also believe that minorities are incapable of achieving greatness in our country without a boost from the white man.
The only time I ever threatened a man with violence was when a friend of mine used the "n" word. I told him I'd kill him if he ever said it again. I guess that makes me racist too.
Democrats are always the first to point out race. "He's a black president." "He's a black quarter back." "She's a Latina musician." Most of us don't see race. We just see people.
Democrats are the ones who look at Col. Allen West and Dr. Benjamin Carson and say "You're traitors to your race" for stepping out of line and being conservative. Why don't you tell them to move to the back of the bus while you're at it?
Democrats say immigration issues are race based. For me, I'm not thinking of race. I just am tired of all those Canadians coming down here to use our health care and steal our jobs.
There is a saying that I think applies to all these democrats: "Me thinks (s)he doth protest too much." I think the reason they jump on everyone is because they assume everyone else is as racist as they are.
Think about that next time you watch Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or so many others race bating.
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