Fort Hood got shot up again. PTSD is apparently to blame. While I sympathize with mental illness and my heart goes out to the victims and families, I'm sick of the responses.
A man that was fired from CNN for being too liberal, if you can imagine such a thing, made an asinine statement. I'm so disgusted with him, that I won't even use his name, because he doesn't deserve the publicity. He said "'If only there'd been a good guy with a gun...' - such crap. This #FortHood soldier/shooter WAS a good guy. Until he turned bad, with a gun."
Are you kidding me? This idiot thinks that he was a good soldier, but someone having a Smith & Weston made him evil?
If all guns are evil, then by your own words, this man must have been evil before since he used guns as a soldier. And Cops are evil too. And the Secret Service. And your private security.
You self-inflated toilet bug! How DARE you attack the people that help us every day because they make us safe.
You want a solution? Here's an idea, to make our military safer, have them do what every other military in the world does. If they are in uniform and on base, they are armed. A side arm minimum. The truth is guns deter crime. Kentucky is one of the states with the least crime, and the most free gun laws. The areas with high crime in the US have the strictest gun laws. That is a FACT. They claim their crime comes from other places that sell guns, but most of the guns used in those crimes were illegally purchased, like from some guy's trunk.
The so-called nuclear deterrent works. Bad guys should be afraid of good guys, not the other way around. Gun laws don't work because criminals, be definition, don't obey the law.
But that's the difference between logic and "liberal" idealism. Logic examines facts and makes a decision, in this case that more freedom is a good thing. Liberals hate freedom these days. And they would never let a little thing like the facts stop them.
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