Thursday, September 20, 2012

PC stupidity

The ACLU threatened to sue Rhode Island schools on behalf of a mother.  Why?  What had they done?  Had they supressed free speech?  No.  Religion?  Nuh-uh. 

They had annual dances.

OH NO!  That's terrible!

That's right, they were suing over the annual father-daughter and mother-son dances.  The schools, fearful of the lawsuit, cancelled the traditional dance.

The ACLU claims that it is disciminatory.  The mother is a single mom, and her daughter has no one to take her. 

By that logic, we should outlaw marriage, because I am single.  We should outlaw sex, because I'm a virgin.  We should outlaw the NBA, because I suck at basketball.  We should outlaw skinny people, because I am fat. 

This selfish stupidity is gonig way out of hand.  "It makes me sad because my daughter doesn't have a dad.  Therefore I'm going to make everyone ELSE miserable."  This is stupid.  And shame on RI for not fighting it.  And shame on the ACLU for supporting it.  How is this liberty?  Or did you forget what the "L" stands for?  This isn't Sharia Law.  No one is threatening the girl with harm.  An uncle, or trustworthy friend could take her.  Heck, she could go with one of her friend's dads, just to be able to dress up and go. 

Across the world, people are burned alive for their religous belief or their ethnicity.  Women are raped and murdered because they are seen as objects instead of people.  Maybe we should be more worried about that than dances and free birth control. 

Maybe, just maybe, all these idiots should spend a year overseas serving people who have real troubles.  Then maybe they would stop being so self-centered and start caring about things that really matter.

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