Thursday, September 13, 2012

Embassy attacks

Mad yet?  You should be.  An embassy of any country counts as that countries sovereign territory.  So attacking a US embassy is the same as attacking the white house.  And worse, the first attacks were coordinated to take place on 9-11. 

There are several points to be made here.  First of all, a leaked statement came out after the attack in Cairo, apologizing for being there.  And while Obama has rightfully distanced himself from this idiocy, even if it was not his words, it IS his philosophy.  One of the first things he did was to go to Cairo and apologize for the war on terror.  We were ATTACKED.  We have been attacked now.  Apologizing for being attacked is the same as desecrating our own dead.

Second, I would like to point out that the attacks in Egypt and Libya come after we helped to dispose two men who were considered our allies.  Now let me be clear, by targeting civilians, both men showed a great evil.  If I were in Obama's shoes, I probably would have made similar calls in both cases.  However, this is a case of out of the frying pan, into the fire.  Mubarak and Qaddafi were both considered allies, barely, but they did keep the Muslim Brotherhood in check.  There is a saying, "Better the devil you know than the one you don't."  In this case, we replace the devils we knew with terrorists.

Third, I hate political responses.  "We condemn these attacks in the strongest terms."  No, you don't.  That is in effect saying "We thought long and hard about it and decided murder is bad."  That's stupid.  You should order Marines to guard embassies and our American flag with sniper rifles and machine guns.  The crowd gets out of line, you carefully select a few of the worst behaving and put them down like a rabid dog.  Maybe without instigators, the crowd will disperse. 

Fourth, and this is a question, why did we support the "Arab spring" against our allies, but not in Syria and Iran where it might actually do some good by overthrowing those who seek to kill us and our friend Israel, and have the means to do so?  Answer me that.  (further discussion coming later on this).

Fifth, Mitt Romney's response was dumb.  Even if what he said was correct, it was not appropriate.  Yes, the white house perhaps should have condemned the attacks BEFORE Mitt told them to do so, but still, you don't criticize the president while the attacks are happening.  He should have waited (not that the other side of the aisle did against Bush, but their misbehavior does not excuse his). 

Sixth, shame on the morons who blame us for getting attacked.  They did the same after 9-11.  "We provoked it."  Yes, we totally provoked 9-11 because the towers didn't fall when they were attacked in 1993.  That's entirely our fault for not rolling over and dying right then.  The Quran says to kill.  This is a violent religion.  If you say that those who do these attacks pervert a peaceful religion, you are ignorant.  Read the thing for yourself.  And read history, about Mohammed's attacks on others.  It was violent before it was peacefully.  This is a religion that teaches murder and terrorism.  They are taught to kill and enslave anyone who disagrees with them.  They will never be appeased.  If we were no longer a world superpower, they would still try to kill us because that is all they know.  It is not our fault, as evidence by the fact that they also kill each other.  It is simply their paradigm.  So all these people that call themselves "elite" and teach that we are the cause of people hating us are just plain STUPID.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I believe the "peaceful" religion bit is fodder for propaganda for the American public. If we believe that then we won't profile our neighbors who look a bit Middle Eastern.
