Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DNC opening

The DNC opened with a historic occassion.  The national debt rolled over $16,000,000,000,000.  That's a lot of zeros.  This is from a man who once promised to cut the deficit in half, or said that we shouldn't re-elect him.  This is from a man who said adding half the amount that he has added in three years, over an eight year period, was irresponsible and unpatriotic.

I do have to pause for a moment and defend an unfair attack on the President, however.  When asked to grade himself, he said "incomplete."  Conservatives jumped on this, as an incomplete grade in school is terrible.  But what should he say?  "A.  I've done everything that I know how to do, so elect the other guy."  Or should he say "F.  I'm a complete failure, so elect the other guy."  Incomplete is the best answer to a bad question.  It says, "I have more that I want to do, so give me another shot."  It's the best answer.  It's the question that's bad.

Now with that out of the way, let me continue.  The first theme of the DNC is "We belong to the government."  I think that this is supposed to be a loose JFK reference, but instead of doing "for your country" this is doing "for the government."  I'm sorry, but we are supposed to be "by the people for the people," not "by the government for the government."  We don't belong to the government.  Unique among all the peoples of the earth, WE THE PEOPLE govern.  Government is a necessary evil, not a good.  In Deuteronomy, government is a curse, a sign of disobedience from God.  I'm not saying anarchy is better.  I'm saying that if people had true integrity, government would be obsolete. 

I should also point out that the Democratic platform unveiled at the DNC shows Obama's true view of Israel, by withdrawing support of them.  Obama has isolated us from Israel, believing that a middle-of-the-raod position might help with negotiations with Iran in others, perhaps removing bias?  I don't know.  What I do know is Rosevelt said "Speak softly and carry a big stick."  But they believe that speaking softly requires reducing the size of the stick.  (Though according to Biden, Obama has a "big stick."  Think of that as you try to go to sleep tonight.) 

Something that I've learned, though it sounds cliche, is true.  Obama believes that the greatness of America is something that we should apologize for (because he believes that Robin Hood is the ultimate sign of goodness, specifically the taking from the haves).  What I, and many others like me believe is that the greatness of America is something that we should STRIVE for.  This is us, as a nation, having, so that instead of others taking, we can give, to ensure that what we give is used wisely. 

Obama and Biden want to say that they care?  They care about taking from you to give to those that they supposedly care about.  But neither gives significantly to charity.  I give a little over twelve percent of my income to charity, giving my support to where is does good, not where is will get me votes.  If they truly believed what they preach, they would show it with their checkbooks. 

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