Tuesday, January 24, 2012

NFL 11 Championship week

Want to hear something cool? Ok, last week you saw my predictions.

Next week's predictions: if the Ravens can get their offense going, their defense can get them the win. However, if they play like they did last week, the Chump will make another Super Bowl appearance (won't somebody run that guy over with a bus already?). The Niners are quietly unpredictable, so it will all depend if a bunch of New Yorkers play with a chip on their shoulder or not.

Yeah, well, I was right. What makes better, was I told a guy at church that the Ravens would have to score at least 24 points to win. The Pats? scored 23. That's right, I'm a freaking genius.

Now, I do have to say, I hate to see a championship decided by a questionable play. Did the Ravens received have control over the ball before it was knocked out? Hard to say. It went so fast. But, it was either a TD, or seemingly, an amazing defensive play by a Pats defender.

Also, I feel bad for the kicker. At least you didn't miss as bad as Vander-shank did years ago for the Colts, after mouthing "Money" to the opposing bench. Then missing worse than any kick I can remember. Good news is, you can play for the Cowboys, who always seem to pick up the worst kicker on the market.

Giants-Niners. Go big blue! Ok, I didn't actually predict an outcome of this game, on the conditions. I just did not know how these two teams would fair. Baby brother did good. I also did not get to watch this game, as I went to bed early with strep (yay me).

So we have a rematch of the most entertaining Super Bowl I have ever seen. So, the question is, do we bELIeve in Eli? Can baby brother beat the chump? I'll say this, Tom Brady better not win a Super Bowl in Indy, or else they better take him out in an armored car. I already know of many Colt's fans who are planning on going in with Peyton Manning jerseys, or looking for Giants' jerseys to borrow.

Go Giants!

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