Thursday, April 8, 2010

Recent convo

I have been watching a recent conversation on facebook between a teenage boy I know and three girls. One girl is not talking to the boy. The other two are on her side. The boy has no idea why. The girls refuse to tell him, keeping him lost.

This is SO STUPID. Yet, it also happens daily. I said in my first post that I believe the genders are equal, yet completely different. There are barriers which keep us from understanding each other. Now I don't think we need to be the same. If we were, one would be unnecessary. I believe that God reveals different parts of his character through each gender. I also believe Satan attacks us through these differences. One example, in a survey of different married couples across America, a doctor (who happened to be a woman) asked couples to do a simples exercise. "Imagine you had to chose between love and respect. If you would rather have love, go to my right. If you would rather have respect, go to my left." The women lined up, not surprisingly, on the right, wanting love. The surprise came to her when EVERY MAN SURVEYED went to the left, wanting respect. This result caught her completely off guard.

I have experienced the same. My ex-girlfriend of years past showed me little trust. She asked me if I believed in the passages that teach for wives to submit to husbands. She assumed no, because of my great respect for her. I answered "well, it is in the Bible..." I tried to teach her several thing, like first NO WHERE does the Bible tell me to force their wives to submit. This is a willing act of the wife. Second, men are supposed to love their wives with the self-sacrificing love of Jesus. We argued for a long time, her failing to believe what I said was my belief on those passages. "Bottom line," I told her, "is if you cannot submit to me and trust that I will not abuse that, we have no business getting married." I gave her a chance, but broke it off. She did not trust me. She would not respect me as I needed. We loved, but she could not respect me as I needed.

Back to the conversation. I have heard many women (who I only partially blame. TV and women around them have trained them behave like this) make similar statements like "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you." Speaking on behalf of all men, IF WE KNEW, WE WOULDN'T NEED TO BE TOLD! Let me say this about women. Women are wonderful and beautiful and complex. But I think part of the problem comes that women assume that men are complex too.

We aren't. You are talking to a gender that farts for entertainment. We are simple. Some might even say (fairly accurately) we are dumb. Bottom line is that we are clueless. When we say we don't know, we aren't lying. We have NO IDEA. Also, ladies, I want you to understand something. When you ask a man what he is thinking and he says "Nothing," he ain't lying! Men require time of thinking nothing. Its like defragmenting a computer. I know women are incapable of understanding that men shut their brains off (well, maybe you can understand by watching America's Funniest Videos). You are a jumble of wires, with serveral thoughts buzzing around at the same time. We are a stack of boxes. We can only think of one thing at a time, and before we can move to another box, we have to put away the previous one. Trying to get us into multiple boxes only frustrates us. And allow us our time in the "Nothing" box. Why do you think we invented TV?

So here's the thing ladies, when we have no idea, just explain it to us. Otherwise, you just have to accept our "I'm sorry" when you and we both know we have no idea what we're supposed to be apologizing for. Just accept the effort and move on.

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