There used to be a lot of talk about Global Warming. "By 2020, Boston will be underwater." -John Kerry. Melting of the polar ice caps. Holes in the Ozone. All caused by polution?
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but political entities are not reporting all the facts, either to get reelected (Pelosi) or to make money (Gore). Bottom line is, its a load of crap.
In Tennesee, companies are allowed so many "credits" that represent the amount of polution they are allowed to create. Unused credits are allowed to be sold. Al Gore's business has and sells plenty of unused credits... to Al Gore! His house uses more electricity and creates more pollution than most small towns in America. He doesn't believe and doesn't follow the same rules he makes a buck off of, now that's the incovient truth!
Diane Saywer in an interview with Gore pointed out that meat processing plants are one of the big polluters in America, and quoted a scientist who said that any true enviromentalist would be a vegetarian. She then asked him if he would give up cheeseburgers. He simply said, "No." He should smell what he's shoveling, because it sure ain't truth!
Nancy Pelosi would also tell you that she cares for the enviroment and the poor. Yet she recently decided she could not fly in her private Gulf Stream jet anymore, because it had to refuel in Kansas City. Instead, she bought a Boeing 757, which gets half the fuel economy, but has larger tanks so it doesn't have to stop to refuel. Tell you what, you want me to believe this crap? Fly Delta like the rest of us.
Now many would try to convince you that I am some right-wing Republic tool, who believes that the moon landing was faked and Elvis went back to his homeworld, but I'm not. I learned recently that in northern Greenland, where the ice caps are melting, they have found Viking settlements dating back to the Dark Ages, showing that Global Warming has happened before. They also noticed that plant life in general has been growing better since the warming (gee, imagine that, its actually GOOD for the enviroment) allowing them to track similar patterns in history. This seems to be a thousand year cycle of warming and cooling.
Couple that with the fact that the earth has COOLED since 2000. That's why you don't hear Global Warming anymore. Its now called "climate change." As I said, I am no conspiracy theorist. I just heard about the global cooling and the Viking settlement discoveries and started to dig. I don't care what they can make money on, I want to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I dug and found this. I'll keep digging, and keep believing this until I find something else. Until then...
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