Monday, March 31, 2014

Seth Godin's Tribes

I read a book that I really liked.  The book is Tribes by Seth Godin.  Tribes is a book on leadership.  What it talked about is that the way human beings collect ourselves has changed.  Before, people collected by geography.  If you lived near people, you were one of them.  But the internet, the automobile, and airplane has changed that.  People can collect however they want.  So now, people group with a common vision, or purpose, and behind a common leader.
For example, there is one tribe that I can identify with: Colts fans.  iPhone addicts are another tribe.  Political orientations can be a tribe.  Fans of a certain TV show can be a tribe.  Whatever cause people gather for or thing that they are fanatical about are a tribe. 
The thing is that with the advent of the internet, anyone can be a leader.  You don't have to be a king or a factory owner or have any other form of authority.  You don't have to be a certain personality style.  You just have to have a vision of something you want to do.  It can be to help people, or make a product.  It doesn't matter.  Just have a vision that you can get other people to buy into.
Another thing about leaders these day, Godin describes them as heretics.  These are people who broke the "rules."  They just step out and do something differently enough that other people take notice.  They just do the things that other people say won't work, and then other people begin to buy into it.  They just have to be bold enough to step out.

One other compelling description that stands out to me: Godin defines the differences between faith and religion.  Faith is what you believe in.  Religion is how you express that faith.  So for Christians, faith is believing that Jesus died for our sins, and religion is what type of music you sing.  The problem comes when people elevate religion to a level of faith.  Practices are sacred.  If the religion becomes all important, you can lose your faith to protect your religion.  Instead, we should be actively changing our religion because of our faith.  So what practices do you need to change?

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