Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hypocrisy, thy name is Stupid

Hypocrisy, it's the name of the game. 

Mitt Romney has been accused of outsourcing jobs, which happened AFTER he left Bain.  Obama?  Created "Green Jobs" in Mexico, China, and the Netherlands.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (head of the DNC) criticized Romney for having money in Swiss Banks.  So does she.

On an interview debating Texas' voter ID laws, I watched a man make a fool of himself.  He accused the Conservative for being a racist, saying such laws discriminate against "blacks and Latinos."  The conservative denied it, adding "You and I live in states that require ID to vote."  The other guy replied "Yes, but they aren't like us." 

Who is the racist, the one that wants to treat everyone fairly, or the one that thinks "blacks and Latinos" are so stupid, that they can't get a drivers licence like a white person. 

I am so sick of this stupid crap.  Now, I don't believe that Wasserman Schultz or this racist hypocritical jerk represent all Democrats, in the same way I don't agree with things from people like El Rushbo, Bill O'Reilly or Sarah Palin.  But I just wish all of them would shut up and let us reasonable people to the talking and thinking for them, since they seem to be incapable of doing the latter on their own.

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