Wednesday, August 24, 2011

DC quake 2011

Yes, I survived it here in Virginia. Taken from facebook: "Your prayers are appreciated as we recover from the devastation of the earthquake."

I had just walked into a bank. Where I work, when the AC shuts off, the building shudders. It felt like that at first, then it got stronger and kept going for 10 seconds or so. It was actually rather funny.

Ok, some chimneys are knocked down, a few windows are broken along the coast, and the Washington Monument and National Cathedral have some damage. But this is cosmetic. This was a joke. Literally. The above picture has been used with that caption, or simply "WE WILL REBUILD!"

I've also seen jokes like "Sorry about the quake. I guess I shouldn't have had the bean burrito." Or "MSNBC reports that the Washington Monument is leaning to the left. Fox News reports it is leaning to the right." Or "That wasn't an earthquake. That was the founding fathers rolling over in their graves."

Japan, Haiti, those are other stories. We just felt a disturbance in the Force, if you will forgive a movie pun. My guess is that the approaching Hurricane set to pass over the same area will be much worse than this little tremor we had yesterday.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Holy Octopus Batman!

Yes, I just broke out a seventies Batman reference. But this video warrants it.

This is incredible. It makes me think of the last chapters of Job, where God asks Job to explain how he did things, to show his power. "You think you're so smart? Explain how I created... everything."

This is one of those "Wow, God is AMAZING" moments. How does a colorblind animal know what color to change it's skin? How did it know that the plant is yellow and not blue? Because we serve a God that is beyond explaination, and occassionally likes to remind us of who he is. Just in case you forgot his intellect, his wisdom, his creativity... BOOM! Octopus. What a God I serve.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Stock Market

People are selling, due to panic from the US government losing its AAA rating from S&P. You want to know what others are doing? Buying. Who? The Wealthy.

Do you know why? The stock market is easy to figure out. Buy low, sell high. Most people do the opposite. "Wow. This stock is high. It must be good. Buy." And then... "Oh no! The market went down. Sell! Sell! Sell!" They follow emotions instead of logic and lose money.

You want my opinion? Buy!*

*Knight 4 Today is not responsible for the market, and recommends that you consult a financial professional. Also, listen to Dave Ramsey.