Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Loss of freedom

So I write from time to time about how modern law destroys freedom enforces violations of the Constitution. Here's another for you. The Indiana Supreme Court heard a case. Police were called for a domestic abuse situation. The cops confronted the man, who told them they could not enter his house. One officer went in anyway, and when the man trying to prevent entry shoved the officer, he was tased and arrested.

Here's the problem. They had no warrant. They had no probable cause. Aparently the officers had scene too many cops shows, where the good guy cop breaks the law to get the job done.

What the court ruled, 3-2, was that you have no right to resist an officer who is illegally entering your home. They said this will prevent violence against police officers. They claim you should just appeal to the courts if they do something illegal. With that, a uniformed officer (or someone POSING as an officer) can enter your home, rob you, beat you, and arrest you, and until you get your day in court, you rot in jail. And you'll never get your stuff back. Because you can't prove it, and who is going to trust you over a cop.

Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, protection from illegal search and siezure, these are some of the main reasons our founding father fought a revolution. Oh, how they would weep if they could see how our Constitution is used as toilet paper.

Many might think I'm nuts, or at least overreacting. But this is a pattern. Try getting a speedy trial (6th Amendment), which means if unfairly arrested, you're going to rot for a while. Going to plead the fifth? That's fine, unless a sopena is issued. Freedom of assembly? Get a permit first. Freedom of speech? Not if it ain't PC. And the government can listen in on all of it, without a warrant (thank Bush. Grrr... Stupid Patriot Act). Freedom of religion? They've talked about passing laws requiring ministers like me to have to perform gay marriages. How come I can refuse a wedding for straight people, but not homosexuals? Oh, and of course, evangelism and prayer are banned. Right to keep and bare arms? Get a permit, register the weapon, and keep it locked in a safe at home. Federal government has powers limited to what the Constitution gives them? Yeah, they do everything but.

Ever heard the old fable about putting the frog in boiling water? (Warning! This is a fable! Putting a frog in boiling water will kill it! Do not attempt!) They have turned up the heat, boiling away our rights. Safety is the opposite of freedom. Freedom is risk. In McCarthyism, they gave up all their freedom to get protected from "the communists." Now, we want protected from everyone. It is sad.

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