Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Disappearing Rights

You want more proof that both parties are the same? Both parties, even the Tea Party activists and many Libertarians are plotting to end the first Amendment of the Bill of Rights. In case you don't know, that's the one that gives us the freedom of religion, speech, and the press.

Here's the issue. They want to keep people from being able to worship as they choose. They want to eliminate freedom of religion in favor of getting out one political message or another. Now they want to eliminate freedom of religion for "popular opinion." They are playing on people's prejudices and anger to stop freedom.

They want to stop a mosque from being built near ground zero. Now whatever you think about if they mean this as an insult, a "poke in the eye," or if this is a statement of Muslim superiority, I would ask that each person think this through to the end.

If they stop this from being built, then they will start telling people where they can worship or pray. Soon they will start saying who you can pray to, or if you can. Or if you can own a Bible. Or if you can speak on certain passages (they are already trying on that). Soon we are living in the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. Our founders believed that the freedom of religion is THE right on which all other are based. All men are "created equal." Who created us that gave us this equality?

Any time we consider any action, we should ask "What precedent does this set?" This has the potential to set a dangerous one.

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