So Rand Paul has made his run official. The Senator from Kentucky is going to run for president. Is he who we want in the White House?
At least he's not Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush.
But seriously, I want to take a moment to express my thoughts on him.
Pros: He's from Kentucky, not New York or Florida, so he deals with real people. And that's good. Kentucky is a good, solid state with good values. It's a part of the heart of this country.
He's a fiscal conservative, which Washington desperately needs.
He speaks in a way that people can relate to. And for a Washington politician, that's good.
He's done a good job in the Senate. I like him personally and have followed his career since his election.
Cons: First and foremost, let me say what I don't like about Hillary, President Obama, McCain, Teddy Cruz, and Rand Paul. Plus a list of others that haven't thrown in officially yet. They come from Congress. Presidents that come from Congress think that their main job is Chief Legislator, not Commander and Chief. Take President Obama, for example. His signature acts as President are ObamaCare, and going around Congress to do whatever the crap he wants to. But he's been a lousy executive. He doesn't seem to grasp the roll of the three branches. Reality is, President Obama thinks he's the Speaker of the House. That's the same problem so many presidents have had. And that's a big strike against anyone to me, no matter the party.
Second, and this is major, is his foreign policy. He shares his dad's foreign policies. First and foremost in this is that we should just give Iran a nuke. Ron Paul, and so it seems Rand, share the same belief. To understand this, you must understand the 1980s. In that time (and throughout the Cold War), the global policy was MAD. MAD, was truly mad, nuts, crazy. MAD stands for Mutually Assured Destruction. It was the idea that the Soviets and Americans would not launch nukes, because both sides would fire everything, completely killing both.
But will mutually assured destruction restrict people who strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up really fear being blown up? NO! That's absurd! This is insane!
Third, he's pro-legalization of pot and prostitution. Not exactly something that the country is ready for. He seems to ride both extremes, while alienating the middle. That's not great.
I'm still waiting for Scott Walker.